The startups of Biscay have a new tool to overcome the uncertain situation caused by the coronavirus. The guide “Strategies to face the effect of COVID-19”, prepared by Beaz, proposes a series of strategies and suggestions such as looking for new ways of financing, betting on diversification, attracting new clients and fostering their loyalty, or strengthening the team. You can download the guide here.
One of the economic consequences that COVID-19 is generating is the change in the relatively stable context in which companies made decisions. The impact of the crisis causes so much uncertainty, especially in startups, that survival comes to be the first thought. However, expert opinions insist on the importance of taking perspective and coming to see this crisis as a specific event that will also pass. The idea that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is ready to respond to the challenge is also unanimous, and that startups carry innovation and a quick capacity for reaction in their DNA.
It will not be easy, but experts in entrepreneurship encourage not to stop searching for new opportunities; by adopting the appropriate measures, they assure, many startups will not only manage to overcome the obstacles, but will also be able to emerge reinforced.